
Become an Authorized Referral Partner

Work with us, gain confidence in us, refer us, make money.

Join the Agent Farm authorized partner program, refer AI agent and/or cybersecurity leads to us while earning great commissions.

Join Our Authorized Referral Partner Program Today! Build an income stream...or an agent business...it's up to you!
  • Earn generous, protected, long-term commissions. (See below)
  • Represent unique AI agent and cybersecurity products.
  • Help businesses grow and protect their assets. (See below)
  • NOTE: Virtually any company can benefit from an AI agent and/or better cybersecurity.
  • Leverage off us to build YOUR professional network and your reputation as a technology professional.
Agent learning
Agent learning
How It Works
  • You contact the potential customer and establish that they are interested in learning more about our services.
  • You register a referral lead in our system. You will have your own secure referral folder on our system where you track your leads and sales.
  • We approve or disapprove the lead. If disapproved, we contact you and tell you why.
  • If approved, you your lead and make the introduction.
  • The lead must contact us within 30 days of the lead registration date. If they do and if they end up purchasing any of our products, you will be paid the commission rate for that product and any subsequent renewals for two years. (See Commission Structure below).
  • You get paid within 30 days of us getting paid by the client that you referred us to. If we don't get paid for any reason, no commissions of any kind are owed to you.
  • Please see the Agent Farm Referral Program Agreement which is made available to you when you apply to be a partner.
Short Video: How the Referral Program Works.
Partner Program Benefits
  • Ground-floor opportunity for you to introduce your clients to your exciting technology partner.
  • Multiple products that meet different needs.
  • Protected partner program that pays generous commissions quickly and on-time.
  • No up-front expense to you to become a program partner.
Commission Structure
  • Agent Farm, LLC pays a commission of 15% of all collected GROSS start-up and maintenance revenues associated with AI agent program.
  • CyberCecurity, LLC pays a commission of 10% on all collected GROSS revenues associated with cybersecurity consulting services. This does not include any revenues from 3rd party technical solutions that CyberCecurity, LLC or its sister companies may sell or resell.
  • Commissions are paid for two years.
  • The Partner Program Agreement includes full information.
  • No up-front expense to you to become a program partner.