
Agent Features

Security is not just an afterthought with us. It is baked into Agent Farm's DNA from the get-go.

Available Business AI Agent Features

  • Streaming avatar agent images (generic, yours or professional)
  • Streaming avatar agent voices (generic, yours, or professional)
  • AI inference prompt utilizing Open.ai foundation model
  • Tested AI agent technology stack
  • Mutliple use cases
  • Agent delivered via widget and/or SEO-ready web page
  • Secured hosting of client data
  • Pre-vetted, tested API infrastructure
  • Professional data and infrastructure security protection
  • More security info
  • Contact us for more feature information

Future Features

  • Automated prompt updating based on client usage
  • Multple language support
  • Ever increasing realism
  • Ever decreasing latency and lag
  • Voices with varying intonation, sound, attitude
  • Multiple agent orchestration capability
  • Additional LLM options
  • Additional use cases
  • Continuously improving security